Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hey baby, what's your sign?

From the current issue of "Parents" magazine: baby's horoscpopes.

I laughed out loud when I read Catherine's. Now, I will never base my life on anything that a horoscope says. If it's wrong, I shrug my shoulders and move on. But more often than not, I notice that it's right. Catherine's happens to be spot on.

"the water bearer"
Aquarian babies are natural rebels who like to do things their way. Get lots of toys to keep your child from becoming restless during tummy time, and lock those cabinets early. Give her the chance to crawl freely on grassy lawns and toddle around the playground. Embrace her discoveries by letting her collect the rocks and other little treasures she finds. Support her individuality by allowing her to decide which outfit she wants to wear or which stuffed animal she wants to sleep with. And introduce new toys, books and games regularly: Kids born under this sign are bright and often develop ahead of schedule.

1 comment:

Trudy (aka Grandma) said...

wow! that IS on spot isn't it??!!? that's our baby girl!!