Friday, February 22, 2008

How I spent my birthday

6am - Woken up by either my sick husband grumbling and moving around or my baby crying - both happened around the same time, so I'm not sure which really woke me up.

7am - Drop off baby at grandma's

7:15am - Shopping, round 1 - Fred Meyer to get groceries for massive food I get to prepare for tomorrow's party
- Ooo... Easter candy already. Chocolate for breakfast - yummy. I'm allowed, it's my birthday.
- Stop for coffee on the way out - not my regular skinny latte today, caramel machiato instead - I'm allowed, it's my birthday.

8:30am - Arrive back at home, load groceries into refrigerator

8:35am - Grimace at my long to-do list

9am - straighten up as much as I can, begin baking cupcakes and hardboiling eggs

10am - Stephen stumbles out of bed and finds me cleaning the bathroom. I tell him that I got him some OJ to help him get better and tell him that his to do list is on the table. He thinks I'm kidding... I wasn't kidding.

10:30am - Put the last cupcakes in the oven and take a shower

11am - Run out the door to do errands and round 2 of shopping, an hour later than I wanted to

11:15am - Visit my favorite party store, get party stuff and order balloons for tomorrow AM

12pm - Linens n' Things (I bought some new serving trays! Wahoo!) and Target

1pm - Swing into work just in time, and told as I walk through the door that a meeting I'm in is about to start... and I'm wished happy birthday about 4 times before I'm there more than 5 minutes

3pm - Still at work, learn that we get free t-shirts, gourmet cupcakes, and our bonuses all in one day!

5:30pm - I get to go home early - wahoo!

6:15pm - Shopping, round 3 - quick stop at Safeway on the way home

6:30pm - Panic because I left my purse at the store

6:40pm - Whew! Picked up my purse - nothing missing! Now if I could only find my brain...

6:45pm - Finally home... just in time to be able to dress my baby in PJs and rock her to sleep

7pm - Clean, straighten, move furniture, fill party favor bags, feed sick husband and convince him to go back to bed

9pm - Begin to cook

11:30pm - Give up thinking that I'll be able finish all the prep cooking that I wanted to tonight

Midnight - Crash in bed

Whew! What a day!

1 comment:

CV said...

Happy Birthday, my dear! Sorry I'm a day late! I have a card and a little something for you...just need to get off my lazy butt and mail it to you!

And I'm still searching for decent magnets for that sweet girl...would you believe that refrigerator magnets are hard to find? I seem to remember cool plastic ABC's that I played with when I was little...but those are long gone I guess!