Monday, November 10, 2008


The term "progress" means so much more now that we as a country have accomplished something so historic and... wonderful! Progress seems imminent now. I sense it around the corner. Maybe not right away - we have to give the guy some credit, especially when you take into consideration the mess that he is inheriting. But the possibilities of what he can accomplish, and what we can accomplish with him, is enormous. And I feel the warmth of hope around me.

President Obama. Mr. President. It sounds so good.

So there is progress in Washington, and I'm feeling progress at home, too. A big update on our country house: we should be signing the closing papers this week and getting the keys this Friday! I still use the word "should" because let's face it, we're dealing with banks here. I'm in the mind set of "I'll believe it when I see it". But I'm still being hopeful, and we have plans in place if (I mean when) we will be moving over the next couple of weekends. Prayers and good thoughts at this point are needed and would be appreciated. I don't know what to expect, and I'm dreading the news that it will be delayed.

I was feeling completely hopeless about everything that needs to be done with the packing and cleaning. I was already feeling stressed enough not having time for anything. But then my mom graced us with a few hours of her time over the weekend - and suddenly we have things done! I'm seeing lots of packed boxes and empty shelves. What a relief! Thanks again, mom.

So progress... it's on the way. I'm hoping that I will only have good news to share. Stay tuned!

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