Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My baby can...

... say that she is now bigger than her cousin Toby (she weighs 28 lbs, Toby weighs 27 lbs)

... open the refrigerator by herself (oh Lord...)

... chew, chew, chew! She has 12 teeth now! 4 molars (one on each side, top and bottom), 4 upper front teeth, and 4 lower front teeth

... sign "please", "want", "eat", "milk", "monkey", "bird", "duck".

... blow kisses!

... nod her head, and in a really cute way. She hasn't completely mastered the neck action, so it's more of a full upper body nod. So cute!

... give the best hugs EVER, and she'll even give you a hug when you ask for one. Well, most of the time.

... put her shoes on by herself. OK, almost... she gets the concept though and will spend hours (one minute=one hour in toddler time, in case you didn't know) trying to put the shoes on her feet.

... reach the doorknob, and totally understands the purpose of it - we're only a step away from her opening doors by herself... again, oh Lord!

... wash her hands and brush her teeth all by herself - and she LOVES it! She actually will throw a mini-tantrum when we say "all done!" and usher her out of the bathroom.

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