Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sad news

I'm still recovering from the news. We were getting back into our car to take Catherine home after our rehearsal. They were talking about it on the radio. " Heath-Ledger found dead in his NY apartment at the age of 28."

He was not just a "Hollywood hunk". At the start of his career he was known as the new pretty boy. But he was selective about his roles. Maybe he felt that he had something to prove, maybe he was looking for something more challenging to make him happy. As a result, his career has sparkled with various amazing roles, most of which were drastically different from one another.

Not only was he amazingly talented, but part of that talent was his ability to draw out the emotion of his character and plaster it all over the screen. He had so much potential; part of my sadness is for the roles that we will never see him play. This is such a tragedy.

And did I mention he was gorgeous?


I was going to write something else tonight. This seems more important. And now I don't even feel like talking about this any more right now. I'm just so sad.

1 comment:

CV said...

I was driving home last night and when they said "Heath Ledger found dead..." I literally gasped. I couldn't believe it. What a sad loss to the world, he was so young and so talented (and as you say, stunningly handsome!)

Such a tragedy...